What is coffee roasting?
Coffee roasting is a process that involves applying heat to coffee beans to develop their flavors . During the roasting process, many chemical and physical phenomena occur within the bean. Thanks to these processes, the coffee develops fragrances, aromas and flavors that will be perceived in your cup of coffee.
The 3 roasts of Charlas Café

Light Toast
Light roast coffee beans develop in less time than other types of roast and are the most intense in flavor. Light roast coffee has great sweetness , fruity notes and helps develop intense and pleasant flavors , making it perfect for black coffee. Do you like to drink coffee using brewing methods? If you are passionate about V60, Chemex, Kalita Wave and other methods, this roast will be very good for you.
Roasting a light roast coffee is not easy , a couple of seconds during roasting can make the difference and the coffee will become darker. This is why the experience of roasters is important, as they develop techniques that allow them to exploit the flavor potential of your coffee.

Medium roast
Medium roast coffees have a great balance of flavors and most coffee varieties you can buy have this type of roast. You can usually enjoy good acidity , sweetness and bitterness with this type of roast. The coffee beans acquire darker brown tones than the first type of roast and are more bitter. Its name comes from being an intermediate between light and dark roast, so it has the benefits of both.
Medium roast coffees are great for making black coffee , drinking it with milk , and preparing different drinks . To achieve a medium roast coffee, roasters are guided by the smell, color, and transformations that occur within the bean during roasting.

Dark Roast
These coffees have a more bitter taste , with almost no perception of acidity or sweetness, although there are exceptions.
While it is true that it is more bitter in flavor perception than the other roasts, it also has the least caffeine, due to the fact that it spent more time in the roasting machine.
Dark roast coffees are the base for many espressos , so they are commonly used in cappuccinos, lattes, and other espresso-based drinks.
To achieve a dark roast, the coffee beans must spend more time in the roasting machine and acquire a dark brown color, almost black to the eye, with an oily texture on the outside of the beans.

Coffee roasting
The flavor and aroma of coffee, which we all recognize, is the result of roasting coffee. Roasting transforms the green coffee beans harvested from the plant into an explosion of flavor, aroma and intensity that is transferred to the cup of coffee.
Freshly roasted
Roasted coffee It almost magically becomes another product, thanks to careful control of time and exact temperature. Mastering the roasting process allows you to obtain very different aromas and flavours, from floral, light and acidic to intense, bitter and woody. Coffee roasting is a fascinating process, full of secrets and curiosities.