The benefits of coffee beans
Do you love having a good coffee in the morning?
Many people have no other way to start their day. It also accompanies breaks at work or adds the finishing touch to meals. But coffee is much more than that and we get its many benefits in every cup we drink throughout the day.
For many years, research has shown how the high antioxidant content in coffee can improve life expectancy and reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as Parkinson's, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Today, coffee is an important part of a balanced diet for millions of people around the world. Global health and wellness trends driven by younger generations have seen many embrace coffee as a healthier alternative to sugary soft drinks.
What are the nutritional benefits of coffee?
Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and has been studied in quite a few scientific studies.
Recent studies confirm that moderate coffee consumption has health benefits that go beyond the stimulating powers of caffeine. It is true that some of the benefits of coffee are related to caffeine, but coffee contains many other nutrients and ingredients, so decaffeinated coffee also has benefits.
In addition to the specific benefits of antioxidants in coffee, there is also a growing body of research suggesting that coffee impacts life expectancy.
A landmark 2012 study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that women who drank four to five cups of coffee a day had a 12 percent lower risk of premature death. For men, the risk was 16 percent.
Even low to moderate consumption, as little as one cup of coffee a day, was associated with a 5% to 6% decrease.
Drinking three cups of coffee beans a day has multiple benefits such as the following:
Some of the benefits

Rich in antioxidants
Coffee is one of the plant products rich in antioxidant compounds. These antioxidants are found in green coffee beans and although some of them are removed during roasting, whole bean coffee is still a good source of them.
Coffee is especially rich in polyphenols, which can fight free radicals and some heavy metals that cause tissue aging, helping to prevent diseases and maintain good health.

Activate the mind
Caffeine is the component of coffee that stimulates and activates us at the same time. It is also responsible for improving some cognitive functions, such as speeding up brain processes and improving memory.
One of the great benefits of drinking coffee is that it helps us feel more alert and focused throughout the day.

Reduces headaches
Caffeine, due to its vasodilatory properties, helps fight headaches and increases the effect of analgesics. For this reason, it can also help eliminate mild headaches.
However, drinking more than 3 cups of coffee a day is not recommended for those who regularly suffer from migraines, as it can be one of the triggers, among many other factors.
An exquisite and aromatic stimulant
Coffee helps us concentrate. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that helps us stay alert and focused, can reduce our fatigue, improve our mood and even improve our short-term memory. In this way, Coffee is good for when we have an important task to complete, as it gives us ideas and we tend to think faster. It's definitely a wonder, right?
Excellent for the body

Ideal for athletes
Coffee is also healthy for people who practice sports or have to make significant physical effort.
Caffeine acts on the nervous system and causes people to perceive fatigue later and therefore increase performance. In addition, among the benefits of coffee is the fact that it helps to be alert and more concentrated, two factors that are also important for athletes.

Helps with weight control
Caffeine is found in many compounds, creams and products designed to help you lose weight by burning fat. This is because caffeine accelerates thermogenesis, a metabolic process in the body that helps burn more fat. Thus, Coffee is useful for helping to lose weight, but always as a complement to a balanced diet rich in plant products and physical exercise. In addition, in these cases we should consume coffee alone, without sugar or dairy products.

Protects the body
The largest study on coffee consumption that has been carried out recently was the one carried out by the National Cancer Institute of the USA in 2018. Its conclusions on the benefits of coffee are surprising: the greater the coffee consumption, the lower the mortality rate from cancer, stroke and coronary heart disease. It is an observational study whose conclusions cannot be taken as definitive but it does provide relevant information for further studies on the properties of coffee and its effects on health.
Other benefits

Prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
The relationship between coffee consumption and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's has been studied for several years. The conclusion of all of them is that regular coffee consumption reduces the probability of suffering from these ailments in the future.

Reduces the risk of diabetes
Another health benefit of drinking coffee is that it reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Several studies link the consumption of three or four cups of coffee a day, also decaffeinated, with a 25% lower chance of developing this type of diabetes. The mechanisms by which coffee influences the development of this disease are not clear, but it could be due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and thermogenic effects.

Good for the heart
In several European countries, such as Finland, Norway, Poland and Spain, coffee is the largest dietary source of antioxidants. In these countries, it provides more than 60% of the average consumer's antioxidant intake.
One in particular, chlorogenic acid (an important antioxidant which contributes to the prevention of heart disease ), and is found almost exclusively in coffee.

Drink coffee beans
A 13-year study by the Journal of the American Heart Association found that moderate coffee drinkers (those who consumed between 2 and 4 cups daily) were 20% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.
Health and wellness
Why is coffee becoming a global health trend?
In recent years, attention to health and well-being has been one of the defining trends among young people.
As a result, attitudes toward food and drink have undergone dramatic changes. Consumers are increasingly trading convenience and cost for the quality and health benefits of the products they eat and drink.
A recent report on food trends found that Millennials (ages 25-38) and Gen Z (ages 18-24) consumers are 29% more likely to try new, healthy food products than any other age group.
These groups are also more likely to spend time researching healthy products online before making a purchasing decision.
For many, coffee plays an important role in a balanced and healthy lifestyle. This has been particularly evident with the rise of cold brew coffees and ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee drinks, both of which have been embraced by some as healthier alternatives to energy drinks.
Another advantage of coffee in this regard is that it provides the caffeine hit that energy drinks offer, provides antioxidants, but does not provide the sugar content (unless added), and contains no artificial sweeteners or flavorings.
In addition, coffee contains important nutrients related to improving energy and performance, such as magnesium, potassium and B vitamins.
Studies show that higher levels of magnesium can increase athletic performance, while potassium helps maintain muscle mass and reduce blood pressure.
However, these health and wellness trends are not universally discussed or recognized.
Over the years, there has been a lot of research into the health benefits of coffee. As such, in recent years it has been promoted as a key component of a healthy, balanced diet.
Coffee provides millions of people with a much-needed caffeine boost each day. Plus, it's a rich source of antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of a number of serious diseases. And while there are misconceptions, studies and research amply show the nutritional and health benefits of coffee.
So the next time you reach for an energy drink or rethink your calorie intake, consider brewing a quality cup of coffee instead. You may find that you prefer it as a healthy and nutritionally beneficial substitute.
The pleasure of drinking coffee
Coffee certainly has properties and direct benefits for health. But above all, drinking a good coffee is a pleasure.
It is the gesture we do every morning when we wake up, to start the day off on the right foot. Coffee brings us together, it fosters social relationships when we meet up for a coffee and a chat.
There is no doubt that coffee puts us in a good mood, and this is also a great benefit for our health.